Once upon a time there was a Teinnova employee known as Doctor Legionella, for his experience and efficiency in the eradication of this dangerous bacteria found in cooling towers and evaporators. However, more than 20 years have passed since those days.
The truth is the battle against legionella was only the beginning of a far greater challenge: THAT OF CLEANING AIR DUCTS AND FAT.
You scoff? Have you ever tried to clean 20-metre air ducts by hand?
So now you’re beginning to understand, right? We forgot to mention that these ducts are often full of fat, which is often carbonised in the form of “giant green monsters” hanging like stalactites, or like ventilation ducts full of enough bugs (aspergillus, tuberculosis, legionella, fungi, aerobic organisms or mites…) to constitute a regiment of terminators.
As nobody was prepared to, or “dared” carry out the necessary heroics, Teinnova stepped into the fray, uncovering both a new requirement in the specialist cleaning sector and new business opportunities for enterprises focussing on technical cleaning.
Today that dream has been transformed into a leading company in the industrial cleaning sector that exports 65% of its production to more than 70 countries and is continually developing innovative cleaning solutions in sectors as diverse as winemaking and the automotive and food industries.
We have been known to say that the Innovation gene predominates in our DNA, but this could also be said of the Imagination and Enthusiasm genes.