At Teinnova we want to support you in every area of your business, so we have arranged advantageous conditions with the leading financial institutions in technology renting to offer you flexibility as your business develops.
Greater liquidity: the client can maintain its financial capacity intact, without embarking on major investment when financing operations. Technology renting is 100% tax-deductible

Our clients that obtain financing enjoy the following advantages:
Greater liquidity: the client maintains its capacity for debt with lenders in order to embark on other strategic investments. This cost is 100% tax-deductible
Technological renewal: the option to update equipment means that it does not become obsolete.
Easy payment and low interest: The client uses the resources generated by the business to pay the instalments. There is no need to make advance payments, and the interest charged on the renting is lower than other traditional forms of financing.
Other possible forms of financing: If the client prefers, we can intercede with other major banks to negotiate more traditional forms of financing, to achieve the most advantageous conditions for our clients.